Python get current keyboard / input device

2 min read 01-11-2024
Python get current keyboard / input device

When developing applications that interact with hardware devices such as keyboards or input devices, it can be essential to determine which keyboard is currently active. This can help in creating more tailored user experiences or debugging input-related issues. In this article, we will explore how to identify the current keyboard or input device using Python.

Problem Scenario

Suppose you are working on a project that requires you to capture input from the user's keyboard. You might need to differentiate between multiple input devices in scenarios where more than one keyboard is connected. Your original code for this task might look something like this:

# Original Code
import input
keyboard = input.get_current_device()

However, this snippet will likely lead to confusion since the input module isn't a built-in library in Python, and the method get_current_device() isn't defined. To correct and clarify this, let's explore how to implement a working solution.

Correct Approach to Get Current Keyboard/Input Device

While Python does not have a built-in way to directly get the current keyboard, we can utilize libraries such as pynput or keyboard to monitor input devices. Here’s how to use the keyboard library, which is widely used to interact with keyboard events.

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Install the Required Library: First, you need to install the keyboard library if you haven't already. You can do this via pip:

    pip install keyboard
  2. Capture Keyboard Events: The following code snippet demonstrates how to capture keyboard events and identify the active keyboard:

import keyboard

def print_key_event(event):
    print(f'Key: {}, Event Type: {event.event_type}')

# Listen for keyboard events

# Keep the program running
keyboard.wait('esc')  # Press 'esc' to stop the program

Analysis of the Code

In the code above, we use the keyboard library's hook() function to listen for all keyboard events. The print_key_event function will be called every time a key is pressed or released, allowing us to capture the name of the key and the type of event (i.e., key press or key release). This effectively gives you real-time feedback on the current input device being used.

Practical Example

Imagine you're creating a custom text editor that allows users to choose different keyboards or layouts (like QWERTY vs. AZERTY). With the code provided, you can capture every keystroke and display it in the editor. This approach allows you to customize features like syntax highlighting or even suggest corrections based on the keyboard being used.


Identifying the current keyboard or input device in Python is a straightforward process with the help of the keyboard library. By capturing keyboard events, developers can create applications that respond dynamically to user input, improving the overall user experience.

For further exploration, you can check out the keyboard library documentation to learn more about its features and capabilities.

Additional Resources

By following the guidelines in this article, you can successfully monitor and respond to keyboard input in your Python applications, leading to enhanced interactivity and better user experiences.